Our Partners

Close partnerships strengthen our performance and efficiency.

Logo Worldskills Germany


WorldSkillsCommunity: Facebook
Homepage: WorldSkillsGermany
Where everything began for Adiro - Germany was the host country for the WorldSkills World Championships 2013 in Leipzig.
Adiro activities: Everything in connection with WorldSkills

Logo 100 Betriebe für Industrie 4.0

Award "100 places for Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg"

News - Award (DE)

Logo Hochschule Esslingen

Hochschule Esslingen

Hochschule Esslingen offers:

  • MBA in Industrial Management
  • MSc in Automotive Engineering
  • MSc in Information Technology and Automation Systems


Logo Kerschensteinerschule

Kerschensteinerschule Stuttgart

Kerschensteinerschule Stuttgart

Logo BioRegionStern

BioRegio STERN

BioRegio Stern


iMove- Training made in Germany

iMOVE- Homepage

Dechema Logo

DECHEMA- association for chemical engineering and biotechnology


BAG Logo

BAG Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik, Metalltechnik und Fahrzeugtechnik e. V.


LAN LabAutomationNetwork Logo

Lab Automation Network

Lab Automation Network


ADIRO sponsoring:
Soccer department of TSV Baltmannsweiler tsvb-fussball.de

Jugendmannschaft des tsv-baltmannsweiler

Tennis Club Baltmannsweiler TC-Baltmannsweiler-Hohengehren e.V.

Herrenmannschaft TC-Baltmannsweiler-Hohengehren


ADIRO Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Limburgstraße 40
73734 Esslingen
Tel.: +49(0)711/919904-0
E-Mail: info(at)adiro.com

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