BIT GENDORF - education Academy Inn-Salzach Technology Center Gendorf GmbH in Burgkirchen a.d.Alz and is the central educational institution in the Chemiepark GENDORF. As a subsidiary of InfraServ Gendorf, we offer vocational education and training under the label „BIT GENDORF“.
At BIT GENDORF, 4 MPS PA 204 are now in use. 2016 one MPS PA 204 complete system was sold with the stations filtration, mixing, reactor, bottling and the special touch panels TP 1500. After successful use in teaching, 3 other MPS PA 204 systems were purchased.
More information
BIT GENDORF - Bildungsakademie Inn-Salzach
BiT GENDORF - 360 ° Technikum mit MPS PA 204 Anlage
2160269, 2170048, 2170393
ADIRO Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Limburgstraße 40
73734 Esslingen
Tel.: +49(0)711/919904-0
E-Mail: info(at)